“What are you looking for?”
That is Jesus’s question to his first disciples in John’s Gospel (Jn. 1:38), and that is my question to you, the people of St. John’s: What are you looking for?
My focus as curate at St. John’s this year is discipleship — that is, supporting, initiating, and cultivating those ministries that help our members grow as followers of Christ. And so, as we plan the year ahead, I’ve been asking the people that I meet two particular questions:
- What do you need to grow in your faith, to mature as a follower of Christ, in this season of your life?
- What kind of group or study would you be willing to commit to for a month or two (or more?)
Think it over, pray about it for a couple of days or a couple of weeks — and then please do let me know! I’m eager to hear where the Spirit is calling us to move and grow, and eager to help orient our work together in that direction.
You can contact me at philip@stjohnswf.com or 919-714-9764.