Parish Care Team

Ministers to parishioners who are homebound, ill, recovering from surgery, or in need of other support. The Parish Care Team coordinates parishioners to deliver home-cooked meals, share Holy Communion at home, write notes, make calls, visit, and pray with those in our parish in need of extra care and support.

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group

Facilitated, monthly mutual support group for family members and caretakers of loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Contact us for information on how to join this group.


St. John’s maintains a beautiful area on our campus for the interment of ashes and the placement of memorial plaques. The Columbarium offers niches for cremains, a memorial wall, a sacred space for prayer, and beautiful gardens surrounding a circular grassy area on the north side of our campus. Funeral planning is offered upon request.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

During normal times, our Lay Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend worship because of poor health or mobility issues. If you or someone you know would like in-home Communion, please contact LEM Leader Barbara Kwiatek.

Prayer Team

Our parish Prayer Team prays daily and confidentially for any who request the prayers of our parish. Submit your prayer requests here.

Receptions after Funeral & Memorial Services

Prepare and serve refreshments as bereaved families and friends gather for fellowship following memorial or funeral services at St. John’s. Currently, this ministry is on hiatus as in-person fellowship is limited during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact us and let us know if you wish to support this ministry in the future.