Invite, Welcome, Connect Team

This team does just what its name implies. It oversees and coordinates all of St. John’s efforts to share the love of Christ and invite others in our local community to journey with us; to welcome visitors and newcomers; and to help them to find their place and become a part of our parish life and ministries.

Sight & Hearing Assistance

St. John’s provides large-print bulletins, hymns, and prayer books for those with impaired sight as well as listening assistance devices for the hearing impaired. These worship aids are available in the Church narthex (lobby). Simply ask an usher to point them out to you if you need assistance.

Special Accommodations

If you use a wheelchair or walker, or have limited mobility, an usher will be happy to help you find seating where you’ll be most comfortable. We are happy to share the elements of Holy Communion with you at your seat instead of the altar rail. Please let an usher know you would like this, and she or he will notify the clergy. If you need assistance with a listening device, please let an usher know. Please contact us with any special accommodations you may need, and we will do our best to assist.

Greeters & Ushers

Greeters and ushers warmly welcome those arriving to worship at St. John’s. Ushers hand out worship bulletins, assist with seating, and Communion. Please feel free to ask them for help with anything related to the service or to our church campus on Sunday mornings.

Welcome Desk

Welcome Desk attendants greet and welcome newcomers via the Welcome Desk in our church narthex (lobby), answer general questions, and invite members to attend an upcoming Newcomer Meet Up or Intro to St. John’s class.

Coffee Hour

On Sundays after worship we gather in the Parish Hall around light refreshments so we can greet friends and meet new ones. The first Sunday of most months is Hot Dog Sunday when volunteer grill-masters cook up hotdogs, and parishioners bring side dishes to share. It’s a sweet, family-friendly time of fellowship for the whole parish.

Newcomer Meet Up

When we are able to gather on Sundays for in-person worship, St. John’s hosts regular gatherings to help newcomers and church leaders get acquainted.  Contact us if you are interested in participating.