St. John’s is a part of a larger community of Episcopal churches and people, The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. We center our worship around The Book of Common Prayer, the Holy Bible and our Episcopal Hymnal. Baptisms and other life-event liturgies are regularly celebrated. All are invited to receive Holy Communion. Children are always welcome in worship.
Worship Information
Sunday Morning Worship – Our in-person Holy Eucharist is at 7:45AM (spoken with no music), 9:30AM (with music), and our 11:15 AM Tapestry – Intergenerational Service (CLICK HERE for details) on Sunday mornings. We will be streaming our 9:30 AM service LIVE on Zoom, CLICK HERE to register. You are also invited to watch the service LIVE on our YouTube Channel, or watch the service recording later on YouTube.
Morning Prayer – Morning Prayer takes place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 7:30 am via Zoom. You can join by clicking this link.

Worship Schedule
Sunday Mornings:
- 7:45 am – Worship in person (no streaming), spoken worship with no music.
- 9:30 am – Worship in person or watch our LIVE service via Zoom or YouTube.
- 11:15 am – Tapestry Intergenerational Worship Service Outside
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
- 7:30 am – Morning Prayer via Zoom
Sacraments & Rites
Our tradition recognizes sacraments as “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.” (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 857)
Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (or Holy Communion) are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his Church.
Holy Eucharist (Communion)
Our Sunday morning services are liturgies of Holy Eucharist (Communion). Eucharist takes each Sunday at 7:45 am and 9:30 am. Our Tapestry Intergenerational Service takes place at 11:15 am outside in our upper churchyard grounds.
Children are invited to share in Communion as soon as they express interest. Please don’t worry if they don’t fully understand what it means at the start. Their understanding will grow, especially if they participate in Godly Play (our program for Children’s Formation) and our half-day Children’s Holy Communion Retreat each spring.
We are delighted to assist couples as they explore the covenant of Christian marriage.
We assist all couples without regard to the gender identities of those who wish to marry.
Pre-marital counseling is required, and we recommend beginning this process at least nine months before your preferred wedding date.
A Counseling Fee of $500 and a Wedding Fee of $1000 are charged to non-members. There is no Counseling or Wedding Fee for those who have been members of St. John’s for more than one year.
Confirmation is a rite celebrating the public, adult profession of Episcopal baptismal vows.
We recommend the earliest one begin to prepare for Confirmation is 14 years old.
St. John’s offers both Youth Confirmation and Adult Confirmation courses at least once per year.
Memorials, Funerals, and Burials
St. John’s is honored to extend care to parishioners and others in the Wake Forest community when a loved one has died. Please contact us to make arrangements.
St. John’s maintains a Columbarium on our church campus for the interment of ashes or memorializing a loved one with a brass plaque. Please contact us to inquire about purchasing a niche or plaque in the Columbarium.

In the Episcopal Church, we baptize children or adults of any age after suitable preparation with a priest.
We do not celebrate private baptisms, but if you would like an accommodation for special needs or simply prefer a small, quiet service for your baptism, please let us know.
We celebrate baptism during congregational worship on several traditional days during the church year, and other Sundays upon consultation with our Rector:
1st Sunday after the Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord (early January)
The Easter Vigil (night before Easter Sunday; adults only as this is a late evening service)
Day of Pentecost (May/June)
All Saints Day (early November)
Serving in Worship
Altar Guild
Serve on a team to prepare the altar for Sunday worship and special services. Average rotation is once per six weeks.
Flower Guild
Arrange flowers and other elements for worship on a rotating basis. Average rotation is once per six weeks.
Assist the clergy by recruiting and training worship servers. Coordinate logistical details before services, then lead the procession into worship and assist on the altar with any needs that may arise.
Light candles on the altar, carry the processional cross and torches into worship, assist with the offering and setting the table for Communion. Children 8 years and up as well as adults may serve as acolytes.
Chalice Bearers
Serve the consecrated wine during Holy Communion.
Read scripture lessons during worship services.
Distribute bulletins, assist with seating, assist families with children as needed, receive the Offering, and assist with Communion.