When we seek out a church, it’s often because we want a deeper relationship with God. We may first look for inspiring worship, meaningful sermons, a good program to engage our kids (if we have them), or an active ministry for seniors. But we also long for a sense of authentic community: we want to know others and to become known; we want to love others and be loved in return.

It takes time and intention to connect with a new spiritual community.

Here are a few ways you might get started at St. John’s, and an offer of help.

Where to Start

Join us for worship or other parish event.

We almost always have a chance for fellowship around parish gatherings. This is a great way to meet others and learn about community life at St. John’s.

And let us know if you’d like a get-acquainted call from our clergy. We’re glad to connect!

Next Steps

Volunteer to serve at church or out in the community and meet new friends in the process.

Visit an Adult Fellowship or Formation group and jump into a conversation about faith, life, and the state of the world; and walk with others who are also trying to follow Jesus in his Way of Love.

Sign up to receive parish news by email and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

If you have children or teens at home

Children are always welcome to stay with you in worship, no matter how wiggly they may be. Really. (Many of us have navigated these tumultuous waters!)

Encourage your younger children to join in Godly Play, our formation program for children (preschool – 5th grade).

Encourage your pre-teens and teens to try our Episcopal Youth Community (6th – 12th grades).

Join St. John’s

We ask all St. John’s attendees to complete a Household Information Form. This enables us to help you connect with various ministries, general parish communications, and lift you up in prayer at your birthday.

Would you like to transfer your membership from another Episcopal Church? Contact us and let us know you want to complete the membership transfer paperwork.

Want to join St. John’s from another denomination? Click here and let us know your intentions.

Connect Ministry at St. John’s

St. John’s Invite Welcome Connect ministry would like to get to know you better, help you get to know St. John’s, connect you to resources to help you grow spiritually, build relationships with other parishioners, and eventually feel like this community is your home.

We’re happy to call or meet with you any time to discuss how St. John’s can serve you or your family, and what’s happening at St. John’s that you might want to get involved in.