What was it like for Lazarus to be resurrected? Our gospel reading last Sunday, and Fr. Stephen’s probing sermon, brought us to the very precipice of the mystery of new life made possible in Jesus.
What is it like to see new life spring up in the midst of death? What is the experience of resurrection?
Well, come and see. This year our celebration of Easter at St. John’s begins with the Great vigil of Easter, a dramatic and ancient liturgy that ushers us to the very point on which all of history turns: the emergence of Christ from the tomb, and our own resurrection, with and in Christ. This service begins outdoors, in the dark, with the lighting of a fire — and it only gets better from there! We will trace the story of God’s saving acts in history, culminating in the cross and the empty grave. We will celebrate the baptism — the spiritual resurrection — of a new member and recall (and renew) our own baptismal covenant. We will make the church resound with the very first “ALLELUIA!” of the Easter season, and then celebrate our communion with God and with each other, first at the Lord’s Table in the Eucharist, and then at a champagne reception in the Parish Hall.
So, come and see. Come and see what resurrection is like. Come and be part of our Easter Vigil at 8PM (to 10:00-ish? — not all night!) on Saturday, April 8. No need to sign up, all are welcome!