In my last column, I shared that the Vestry would be working to identify candidates willing to serve on the “Strategic Design Team” that will lead the Ministry Architects report implementation process. Today, I am thrilled to announce that this group has been named and will soon begin its important task. In addition to Mo. Sarah and myself, the members of the Strategic Design Team are Bob Hill, Erik Larsen, Elizabeth Melvin, Joe Powell and Lois Sauer, who will serve as our chair. The Rev. Amanda Bourne, our Curate, will also be a part of the Strategic Design Team during her tenure with St. John’s. Please be sure to extend a word of thanks to these folks for their service in this important endeavor!
In early August, the Strategic Design Team will meet with representatives from Ministry Architects for a pair of two-hour “Quick Start Summit” meetings. The purpose of the Quick Start Summit is to formally kick off the “renovation process” outlined in the Ministry Architects assessment report. The Team will build a strategic timeline that tackles the most pressing issues first, while creating some exciting momentum toward the next phase of the engagement.
The Strategic Design Team will be particularly busy during the first few months of this process, but it’s important to remember that it is not solely responsible for our outcomes – we all are! Along the way, we’ll begin to clarify leadership roles, build an infrastructure for volunteer recruitment and development, enhance our communications platforms and clarify our vision for the future of St. John’s. As I’ve said in the past, this is an incredibly exciting time for our church, and the old expression “many hands make for light work” is particularly relevant. If you have a love for our parish and want to help, there will be a place for you to participate!
There has been a great deal of progress on other fronts, as well. Even though it feels like we’re taking two steps forward/one step back with regard to mask wearing, what a wonderful gift we’ve enjoyed in returning to live worship. Plus, with the help of our A/V team, we continue to offer a robust online worship platform for those who are unable or not quite ready for in-person worship – the best of both worlds! We had an absolutely amazing show of support and love for the residents of Wellington Park. We’ve posted job descriptions for our open EYC Director and Godly Play Coordinator positions. And finally, we stand ready to re-open our beloved preschool this fall.
These are victories both large and small – and all are worthy of celebration. Stay safe, stay cool in this heat, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance.