Our Season of Stewardship
Camille Stell, Stewardship Committee
Stewardship is an ethic or a moral principle that guides our behavior. In the Christian tradition, stewardship manifests itself in the way we use our time, talents, and material possessions for serving God.
At St. John’s, we are entering our Stewardship Season. Our Walk in Love stewardship campaign will kick off in October with a series of weekly Ministry Moments. You will experience personal stories of our church members as they describe the ministry they participate in and why it matters to them, our church members, and the community at large.
As I’ve listened to these Ministry Moments from the past, the work of St. John’s comes alive. I can see the full table as Joy Shillingsburg and the many, many volunteers gather Wake Forest citizens for much welcomed food and friendship. I can see the work of the Creation Committee as they make our campus beautiful and a place to meditate on God’s creation. I see the members of the church from children to seniors who benefit from our ability to pay salaries to Mother Sarah, Barbara, Mimi, Joy, Jane, Kendell, and Marcia.
Pledge packets will be available for pick-up at the church on October 24 and the remaining packets will be delivered by mail. Once you receive your pledge packet, you will have a few weeks to pray and meditate on how you can honor God with your pledge. On November 14 we will join for our Ingathering, an annual, celebratory tradition during which we as a church community submit our financial pledge for the upcoming year.
St. John’s is a community of believers who worship not only with their hearts and minds, but with their gifts. One of the gifts we can offer God is stewardship of our church through our financial commitment.