Awesome Arts Adventures Camp
The cost per camper is $75
**ALL campers will receive a performance t-shirt.
**Each day our camp rehearsals will include a break for snacks.
The camp dates are: Monday, July 22nd through Friday, July 26th, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; with a musical performance on Saturday, July 27th at 2:00 p.m.
Camp is open to ages 6 through High School (there are multiple speaking/singing roles for main characters of all ages 😊)
Our musical is “GOOD KINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES,” the Old Testament Biblical Story of King Josiah.
Registration is now open – CLICK HERE to register!
There are 3 options for payment:
You can pay online using the “Make a payment button” just before you click the register button
You can pay by cash at the church office
You can send a check made out to St. John’s Episcopal Church with SUMMER CAMP in the memo section to:
Saint John’s Episcopal Church
834 Durham Road, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Registration and fee due by July 8, 2024. No Refunds after June 22, 2024.