The St. John’s Preschool is a special place, but it isn’t always visible to our church members. Certainly, we see the building and the playgrounds, but we don’t see the LIFE of the preschool on any Sunday. Let’s step inside to talk to those who create the world of St. John’s Preschool (“SJP”).
Jennifer Wolff-Koschatzky has been a lead teacher in the four-day three-year-olds class for three years. She says, “The staff, families and children are such a family.” There is a warmth and a welcoming atmosphere that pervades the building. The play-based educational program allows the students to learn in a fun way. According to Jennifer, “The children are where it’s at! They amaze me every day with what they know or learn; they are thoughtful and caring…which makes my job so amazing!”
Rob Slade is the Dad of Coley, who has attended the preschool for nearly three years. When asked what his favorite thing about SJP is, Rob responded immediately, “Definitely the teachers.” The parents receive “detailed updates and wonderful pictures” to fill them in on the activities of the day. The teachers are quick to spend extra time with students when needed. Making friends seems to occur easily among not only the children but the parents as well. Finally, as a SJP Board member and father, Rob especially wanted to share that “having something as important as early education remain affordable makes a world of difference to us as parents.”
Denise Munz, the SJP Board Chair and parishioner, echoed Rob’s comments with her own, “I have been very impressed with how the preschool has been able to provide such a great program on a very minimal budget. In addition to offering a quality program with excellent teachers, we have been able to provide scholarships to those having financial difficulties.” She appreciates the play-based teaching that forms the foundation of the SJP program. Denise also enjoys being part of the Church Buddy program which pairs a church member with a student in the preschool, forming an intergenerational link.
As a recent history, the preschool had to close in the spring of 2020 due to the worldwide pandemic, and it did not reopen until the fall of 2021. Without the tuition income provided by 60 to 68 students, parishioner Jane Hill served voluntarily as SJP Director, shouldering much of the COVID-related changes, student registration and rehiring of staff. Lisa Girimonte and Jane co-directed the program upon reopening, and Lisa became the SJP Director for the 2022-2023 year.
Lisa is much loved by the staff and families at SJP. Among the reflections about Lisa gathered for this article were “mentor,” “organized,” “positive,” “welcoming,” “gentle,” “helpful,” “effective” and “friendly.” She will be missed as she retires in a couple of weeks. We now look forward to the leadership of Christy Heynan as she takes the helm of SJP as Director this coming fall. Farewell to Lisa, and welcome to Christy!
Article Written by Parishioner Mynn Paige