Hi St. Johns!
My name is Kendall Bauer and I am excited to be joining you all as the new EYC Director (Episcopal Youth Community)! I am originally from the Jersey Shore and moved to North Carolina for college. I am an alumni of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and I graduated in 2016 with a degree in mass communications. In my time at UNCP I was involved in many different clubs and organizations. I was a member of the Spirit of the Carolinas marching band, I competed in Model United Nations, I helped to found the Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELM), and I was also a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority.
I grew up working at camp and knew that I wanted to make a career out of working with youth. After graduation, I spent some time working for an insurance company before accepting a job with Girl Scouts of North Carolina Coastal Pines. I moved to Raleigh for the position in 2018 and I am so happy to be here! Most recently I worked in the youth department at the YMCA. In my free time, I enjoy playing softball and volleyball, and hanging out with friends, my boyfriend and our two dogs.
Growing up in the church and being involved in youth ministry is one of the reasons I am who I am today. I was presented with so many amazing opportunities as a youth to get involved with the church. Not only in my local church community, but within the synod, nationally, and even internationally on a service trip. I think youth ministry is so important, because youth are not the future of the church they are the present. I am so excited to see what this school year will bring and I can’t wait to meet all of you!