Look around. If you are in your kitchen right now, there’s probably a bit of treasure within finger tip reach. That slimy banana peel left over from breakfast? A greasy pizza box from lunch? Chicken bones from last night’s supper? Molded yogurt from who knows when? They all hold the promise of GOLD…black gold, that is, better known as compost, the rich, natural humus resulting from organic matter’s decomposition. Because compost helps reduce the human carbon footprint by keeping organic materials–food waste, pet food, cooking oil, paper products:: i.e., virtually anything not made with metal or plastic— out of landfills, it reduces deadly methane gas emissions. If you want to do your part but can’t be a backyard composter for whatever reasons, then here’s an easy, inexpensive alternative: Compost Now! Recently expanded to Wake Forest, Compost Now contracts with local commercial composters to serve residences, businesses, and institutions in the Triangle. To see how compost is a treasure for planet Earth and all of its inhabitants, watch this short entertaining film, The Compost Story, Please share with your children and neighbors too!