A Message from Joy Shillingsburg, Director of Outreach & Wake Forest Community Table (WFCT)

Last Sunday afternoon I joined our awesome EYC leaders (Christina Kastendike and Mike Phelps), Father Philip, and about ten of our youth in the Parish Hall to discuss Outreach at St. John’s (AKA “worshiping outside the walls of church”). Most of them were familiar with some of the work we do in the community to…

A Message from Joy Shillingsburg, Director of Outreach & Wake Forest Community Table (WFCT)

Over the years I have heard hundreds of times that our congregation cares deeply about food security. Our faith in action has made St. John’s known in the community as a church that works to feed the hungry.  Historically and currently, our time, treasure and talents support our deep conviction to feed the hungry and…

Congregations for Social Justice

Congregations for Social Justice Annual Meeting (aka “Annual Dinner Meeting”) Virtual Annual Meeting – Monday, February 7, 2022 – 6:00 PM Register HERE to attend, advanced registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocOCorjsjEtWSyIa2GU1EvbbAwGoeuHPA Instead of paying for dinner, we are invited to make a donation to…