Christmas Eve
Thurs., Dec. 24th from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm — online , live via YouTube only (not Zoom), with consecration of Holy Eucharist
Thurs., Dec. 24th from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm — in-person administration of the Communion Host at St. John’s
Given the prediction of rain and wind, Mo. Sarah+ and Mawethu will administer the Communion Host in the upper parking lot in a “Drive Thru” to those who prefer to stay in their cars. St. John’s Church sanctuary will be open for private prayer and Communion administered by The Rev. Drs. Lorraine Ljunggren and Jim Melnyk. (The Outdoor Advent Prayer Space will not be open due to the weather.)
We’ll have just one worship service on Christmas Eve. It begins online with a short, child-friendly Christmas Pageant recorded in the homes of parishioners and rich with art and music. Then the liturgy becomes quieter and more reflective as it continues with the celebration of Eucharist.
The service will go “live” on YouTube at 3:30 pm (not Zoom), and also may be viewed later. Join the “watch party” on YouTube at 3:30 pm and wish others a Merry Christmas via the “chat!”
The Eucharist will be celebrated with a prayer of “spiritual Communion” for those who choose to stay home. The Communion Host will be administered outdoors in the upper parking lot in “Drive Thru” fashion by Mo. Sarah+ and Mawethu. Our Priest Associates, Lorraine+ and Jim+ will administer the Host indoors at the altar rail.
*Ushers will welcome 10 individuals at a time inside the sanctuary, alone or in household groups. Windows will remain open for ventilation, and ushers will conduct health screenings at the door. Masks and physical distancing, required.
Watch your email for worship details on the morning of 12/24, or go to our homepage at to find the YouTube link on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Day Morning Prayer
Fri., Dec. 25th at 8:30 am via Zoom. Join Mo. Sarah+ online for Morning Prayer as we begin this beautiful, Holy Day. CLICK HERE to join, OR go to and enter Meeting ID: 89490740683.
Christmas Lessons & Carols
Sun., Dec 27th at 9:00 am on YouTube ONLY (not Zoom.) Like Christmas Eve, this service will be available only on YouTube (not Zoom) starting at 9:00 am. It also may be viewed later if you wish. Watch your email for the links to use on Dec. 27th, or find a link on our homepage at