Welcome to St. John’s Episcopal
We are an energetic, joyful, mission-minded parish growing in diversity, depth of faith, and engagement with the world around us.
We are a big tent: black, white, and bi-racial, LGBTQI+, gender-diverse, progressive and conservative, young and not-so-young. It’s rare these days, but we truly do aim to stay in loving relationship with one another, despite the tensions that sometimes accompany this kind of diversity. We don’t always do it perfectly, but we try.
Together we cultivate a life of faith and hope, practice hospitality and inclusive community, and inspire all to grow as agents of Christ-like love, generosity, and justice in the world.
We invite you to come and see what this community of faith is like. You may just find the spiritual community you’ve been searching for.
Worship at St. John’s embraces both the ancient and new. We look to scripture, the wisdom of generations before us, and human reason to guide us in the life-giving and liberating Way of Love, a Way revealed most clearly in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Music at St. John’s brings together parish musicians of every age, inspiring our worship with everything from 17th century hymns to jazz saxophone.
St. John’s has an active Prayer Team whose members pray daily for any who ask for their prayers, for our parish, and for each member of our parish community. If you have a prayer request, please use the button below to communicate it to our clergy and Prayer Team.